Those who have an illusive concept of starting a business believe that becoming an entrepreneur means lounging around all day with money magically piling up on your account and tasks just getting done.
Well… that is not really the case. In fact, that idea is totally detached from reality. Of course, on the one hand becoming your own boss gives you freedom of choice and a possibility to create a lifestyle which really suits you. But on the other hand, it means actually working for it as well. Rome was not build in a day. Neither was any successful business. Your ‘new baby’ will require a lot your time and engagement. Luckily, you will finally do things which you love with a greater mission at the back of your head so hard work will be mixed with bliss and joy.
Ironically, young entrepreneurs often get so caught up with materializing their mission they end up working even more hours they used to do before. Being excited and energised is great. Willingness to see results is awesome. Unfortunately, overworking is a recipe for disaster. Similar to being on an icy slope with no skies overworking is a super fast way to hurting yourself. Apart from physical tiredness it may result in burnout, which is the most depressive and uninspiring feeling ever. Always bare in mind, you are the most essential asset of your business, especially as a solo-preneur. Without you and you wellbeing, things can go out of control. Best case scenario, they will slow down drastically. That’s why, you must look after yourself if you want to become a success.
Here is what you can do to find that perfect balance between work and leisure:
When you work for yourself you will be able to create and manage your schedule. And having an actual schedule is key. You need to set boundaries of when you work and when you rest. In order for work related tasks not to take over your life completely make time for relaxation and family. Be flexible if need be (emergencies will find you) but do not feel bad if you are tired and simply feel like switching off.
REMEMBER: You are not a machine – you need to rest.
Working with clients is great. But in no case does it mean that you need to behave like a vassal. Make it clear for others when and how you are available for them. You are in charge so act upon it. You really do not have to check your email two times per hour; twice per day is enough. Being glued to social media is going to make you tired sooner than you think. Plan time for your social media activity and try to automate is as much as possible. There is real life off-line.
REMEMBER: You are not a supermarket – you don’t need to be open 24/7.
At the beginning of every endeavour the workload is excessive. Once you get up and running you can start delegating the least urgent or less important tasks. After all you became an entrepreneur to be free and to have more time for things which are most important to you. Consider hiring an assistant to run your calendar, an IT specialist to help you with your online presence or even a housekeeper. You do not have to do it all.
REMEMBER: You are not a lonely island – there are people and things which can make your life easier. Automate! Delegate! Outsource!
Self care is a must. Way too often is it viewed as a luxury or vain. But you are running a business now and that is a big task. You need to feel energized and strong to keep going. So among meetings, calls, webinars and newsletters do not neglect to take our your body and mind.
When you reframe the way you perceive self care, it will become natural for you to pamper yourself. Massages? – yes, please. Dinner out? – of course.
The secret is that once you spoil yourself (within certain limits, of course) your energy and vibe change. They become a magnet for those how want to live a similar lifestyle. Your indulging practices and rituals send a signal that you live and desire an abundant life. Then even more abundance will come your way.
REMEMBER: You are not a monk – your body is your resource, looking after it is you duty.
Most people become freedom entrepreneurs as they long for more independence to be something more than a simple cog in the wheel. If you work for yourself and still feel too tired or too busy – stop and reconsider. Maybe even find a mentor who will guide you – getting this sort of professional hep can speed up a lot of the processes and can straighten the way you see things.
You wanted more balance? You wanted more freedom? You wanted your life back? Now don’t forget to live it!
If you know someone who is on the verge of overworking please share this post. We want to reach as many people as possible.
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