They say that the hardest part is to start. I am here to challenge that statement today. I believe that the hardest part is before the momentum starts and today I want to talk to you about its importance in your life and in business.
Momentum is one of the most important elements of success and the reason why is because it simply works with your brain. Momentum is for you to gain positive reinforcement. In other words when something works out or when you start seeing those first results, it is only obvious that you’ll want to grow even more. Imagine an engine – if you put it on idle mode it’s just going to be ON, but it won’t be moving forward. Once you put it into gear; the first, the second, it’s going to roll a little bit. Then you’re going to change it up to a third, the fourth, fifth and the sixth. This is when the car starts moving faster and the higher gear you put on the faster it starts rolling.
The same happens with business activities. At first you start learning – you are on a zero level; nothing is moving, nothing is happening – then you go on to the first and second gear. You start slow, you start building up. As your business starts moving forward you put it into the third,fourth and fifth gear. The hardest part is to keep it moving. Once you do, you see things happening for you. When you see results you will automatically want to do more because your brain will be getting dopamine shots, which in really simple words means moments of euphoria that you’ve achieved something. Remember that the most important part is not to start but it is to create momentum.
In order to create momentum there is one thing to be done, it’s to have a plan or a strategy and execute it with consistency so at some point you stop thinking about how long it’s taken you or how hard it’s been but you just keep going and their results keep coming and there are bigger and better. If you liked the content of today’s video then give it thumbs up and don’t forget to subscribe.
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