Podcasts & Features

Podcasts, articles and papers on the following subjects:
Entrepreneurship, Leadership, Human Behaviour


Choose Courage Podcast

What fearlesness really means

How to use fear to propel yourself forward in life and business.


Empire Life Podcast

How to architect the right conscious success tools to become a successful entrepreneur


Sparkle Coffee Time Chat 

5 Psychological Bias’ that Influence People Online


Creative Launch Summit 

How to overcome fear of selling


International Coach Academy

TAO Leading – Coaching Model

Coaching is the journey during which a personal path is created. Self-leading and leading others go hand in hand. Can you lead effectively and efficiently with passion and purpose?

Passive, aggressive vs. assertive

Assertiveness is sometimes misunderstood by certain individuals; it can also be confused with aggressiveness. It is quite a common occurrence nowadays that we want to push higher and higher, but what price is being paid? 

From Manager To Leader

Where egos come into play, assertiveness disappears, giving place to aggressiveness and lack of exploration of human potential. This leads to further subconscious poisoning of the work environment. As a result, people with authority who should be leading others, care more about titles and splendour, but not leading. 


Shablon Magazine

June with experts: How to create your elevator pitch
(feature in Polish)

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